Thursday, May 13, 2010

Make some Jesus time!

I'm sick.

My head is stuffed up, I can't breathe through my nose, and I'm feeling completely dizzy and a little doped up. But regardless, I'm going to type this because its important. For the past 11 years of my life, I have been a Christian. Jesus has been my support system, my Lord, and my absolute healer. But it really wasn't until the summer after sophomore year that He took complete control of my life. Or, rather, that I LET him take complete control. It took a heartwrenching end to a relationship and a long period of grief and confusion, but I came out so much better for it. Surrendering that relationship to God was the best decision I ever made, and I'm so glad that I did. Now. For a while after that summer, I was totally and completely enveloped in reading my Bible. Over time, however, that discipline (and it really is a discipline) began to slip. I was still active in worship and church, prayer, and Bible study. But actually finding (or really, making) the time to spend time on my own in the Word was difficult. This year, however, I rededicated myself to reading my Bible from cover to cover. Well, I actually started with the New Testament, but still. You get the idea. And I CANNOT tell you what a difference it has made in my life. I started with the Gospels, and had a great time reading through them! Though there are a lot of the same, or similar, parables in each one, the books are each written from a different perspective and the psychologist in me loved picking them apart to see the differences. I've now moved on to Acts and I am falling more and more in love with Paul. On a random side note, you know who else I love? Peter. Peter is such a mess. He is completely in love with Jesus, and yet he always seems to be screwing something up. That's how I feel a lot of the time, and it is so encouraging to see that the Lord still holds Peter as one of his own dear children. I love it! Love it love it love it. Anyway, I just want to encourage you all to really make the time to spend in the Word. Though prayer and group study is a great thing, I promise you that you will become infinitely closer to the Father by spending even a little time reading His Word each day. The Bible really is a letter from our Father to us. I love that by reading it, I get to see and understand more of my Father's heart toward me. The more I read, the more I want to read. To be honest, though, if I take a break or skip a few days, I'll more than likely end up skipping more like a few weeks. It really can be discipline to set aside time. As a senior in like, 6.34 trillion after school activities, I guarantee I understand how busy life can get. But please, please, please! Make some Jesus time. You'll be glad you did.

"My love is not my own. It all belongs to you, and after all you've done the least that I can do is live my life, in every part, only to please my Father's heart." - Rachael Lampa

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