Thursday, December 2, 2010

Relationships: Two Halves of a Whole or Two Wholes with One Heart?

Hey everyone!
I can't believe it's December. I also can't believe I went the entire month of November without posting on this blog! I usually post after I've had a really good "Jesus time". And the fact that I haven't posted worries me. But anyway. This week, the thing that's been on my mind quite a bit is relationships. Here at Baylor, I'm surrounded by wonderful guys. And lots of cute couples. And it makes me wonder if I'm going to find a guy (the guy) here or not. But aside from my own relationship queries, here's a theory that I have, that I'm going to share with you. I actually never really thought about this until I read the book "Godchicks and the Men They Love" (amazing book, by the way, you should read it!) But one of the points that the authors (a wonderful married couple) make in the book is that so often, our society views people as "incomplete" until we're in a relationship, or until we find our "other half". How messed up is that?! The Bible does not say that on the 6th day, God created half a man! He created each of us as individuals, whole and complete in Him! So why do we have this idea that we need an "other half"? I'm not sure. But this is the way I think we should view relationships: a relationship. A partnership. A relationship (marriage or a serious romantic relationship) is between two, whole, complete people. Those people don't have to be perfectly rounded, of course. There can (and should be) strengths and weaknesses that are complimented by your spouse/partner/whatever. But in all, a relationship should be a complimentary partnership between two whole people, not "two halves of a whole". So rather than looking for someone who "completes us" and makes us into a whole being, we should find our own identity in Christ and then let God bring us a person who compliments us in our wholeness.

Considering this post was written over the course of two days, it's probably a little scattered. But there it is!

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