Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who am I? I'm a daughter of the King.

"Nothing is so common-place as the wish to be remarkable." -- William Shakespeare

Who am I? What am I all about? I am supposed to write this blog for my History 1305 class..there is no formal prompt, no official assignment. The concept? Write about yourself and your story. Who are you? Where did you come from? How did you get here? I tend to feel that telling my story would be terribly boring for others to read. I am one person, one eighteen year old girl. I haven't made a major contribution to science. I didn't find the cure for cancer. I haven't ever saved anyone from a burning building. I don't have superpowers. I've never had a near death experience (though with how clumsy I am, it seems that every staircase could be one). I've never done anything particularly remarkable. I've never even been out of the country!But do you know what IS remarkable about me? I am a daughter of Christ. According to the book of Ephesians, I was chosen by my father before I was ever born to be His. Why, is beyond my understanding. But what has that fact to do with WHO I am? Everything! Everything I am and everything I do is colored by the fact that I was created by, for, and in the image of Christ. My Father sees the value in me, even when I can't. He loves my loud laugh, talkative personality, and tendency to never hold back..even when I (or others) don't. He created me exactly the way that I am, and that, despite what I or others may think, makes me special. The talents and gifts that He has given me are things that I can use to make a difference in this world. And THAT is what's truly remarkable. I am going to make a difference in this world. Make a difference? In the WHOLE WORLD? Yes. It would be so easy for me to go about living my life with nothing more on my mind than achieving a fabulous career, a good husband, wonderful kids, and some recognition for being a "good Christian". But that's not what I've been called to do. I was called to make a difference!

Do you know how big the world is? It's huge. I wanted to post some big, impressive number to show the world population, but given its probably changed about 1700 times since I started typing, I can't. There are so many people, so many cultures, so many lives that need Jesus. How is a 17 year old girl from Texas supposed to make any sort of impact in a world that big? It worries me. Ever since I was six years old, I've known that Jesus was my Savior. I've been taught the stories, examined the theology, studied the issues and learned to express and argue my beliefs. But what do you do when you meet someone who asks if "Jesus comes down and talks" during church, or asks what a "tith" is (meaning tithe). The idea of overcoming all of the misconceptions of just that one person (an American teenager, raised by a man who grew up Methodist) is baffling enough. What about the rest of the world who hasn't ever heard the message of the Gospels? It's an overwhelming thought. Maybe, like me, you've wondered how on earth little old you is supposed to save all those people. Well, here's my two cents.

For the past 3 years, God has really been growing me and showing me the plans He has for me: I need to make an impact. When I first realized that changing lives and showing people the love of God was my passion, I was completely terrified. How was I supposed to do that? People might reject me, reject my beliefs. Their arguments against the Bible might be stronger than mine for it! Fear took over. But then I remembered that I am not a savior. I'm a farmer. Never in the Bible does it say that Christians are to go out saving people and forgiving their sins. We are told to "go and make disciples", "spread the word" and "teach and instruct". Nothing in there about saving. Sure, in an indirect way, we are. But its more like throwing a drowning man a life-jacket than singlehandedly pulling him out of the water by your own strength. All we're called to do is spread the word, plant the seeds, and let God handle the heart-changing.

Give me one pure and holy passion
Give me one magnificent obsession
Give me one glorious ambition for my life:
To KNOW and FOLLOW HARD after you.

I believe that if every Christian followed the words of the song I just quoted, that the world would be impacted in a huge way. I've heard it said that Christians who are really and fully in love with Jesus can't help but be a witness. The way we act, dress, think, and speak simply becomes our witness. People see our lives and, through that, see the love of Christ. I tend to think that if you really see God doing things in your life, you wouldn't be able to help talking about it. Maybe you're not shouting from the rooftops or blasting through a megaphone, but I know that at least for me, when God does something in my life, I want to tell someone! And BAM! Right there: an opportunity to witness. So you see? We don't have to save. All we have to do is LOVE JESUS and share his love with others. We can let God do the rest. Our mission, or rather, our charge, is not to save people. Its to plant seeds.

Comforting, isn't it? To realize that you're incapable of saving someone. It doesn't seem like realizing your own helplessness would be comforting, but in light of the awesome God we serve, it is. I am not asked to save people. I'm not capable of saving myself from my impending Spanish test, never mind saving someone else from eternal separation from God! But God is MORE than capable. So all we really need to do is LOVE GOD. Follow after Him. Learn about Him, follow in His footsteps, and allow His light to shine through our words and, often more importantly, our actions. In that way, we become living witnesses to the love and saving grace of Christ - and that's exactly what we were told to do. THAT is how we make a difference. THAT is how I'm going to make a difference.

We don't have to be saviors - we just have to be farmers. And I think even I can handle that.

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