Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Relationship Status: Holding out for THE relationship

Lately, relationships have been on my mind. A lot. It seems that everywhere I turn, I see one sickeningly happy couple after another. Its these times when my relationship status of single becomes blatantly unpleasant. I want someone to love me, to do sweet things for me, to tell me I'm beautiful! Then it occurs to me: these relationships I'm seeing? They're sweet and innocent and wonderful. But they're high school relationships that will, in all brutal honesty, probably go no where. I don't want that. So what do I want? I want the right relationship.

In Song of Songs, the author paints a beautiful picture of a young couple who is in love. Some people see this passage as an example of God's love to us, while others see it as an example of the kind of relationship that God wants FOR us. Reading this book (its very short, after all) reminds me of what God has for me. So many relationships are based on convenience, attraction, or even sex. These relationships are not what God wants for us. God is so romantic! In His Word, He talks about how, in marriage, the man and woman become one flesh. In Song of Songs, the lover and the beloved are helplessly devoted to each other AND to having a righteous relationship that God would approve of. THAT is what I want. I don't just want A relationship, I want THE relationship. I want to save my heart for the man God is preparing for me. Sometimes I doubt that there will ever even be such a guy. I won't pretend I never struggle with keeping my heart for God only. But God knows my heart, and He knows what a romantic I am. He will provide.

As hard as it is for me to see my ex wrapped around his new girlfriend, or my best friend perfectly in love with her wonderful boyfriend, I have to remind myself that God will bring me the right man at the right time. Someone who will appreciate me. Someone patient enough to put up with all of my randomness. Someone who will love God first and then me. Someone who will pursue God and, in the process, find me. This is what I'm praying for. I have a cross-shaped purity ring that I wear on my wedding ring finger (the fourth finger of my left hand). This ring reminds me of the man that God is preparing for me and that, until the ring of the right guy takes its place on that finger, my heart belongs to Christ. It is hard. Very hard. I won't deny that there are guys I have had feelings for, even loved. I'm a teenage girl, for crying out loud! But I have to remember, as do we all, that God will come through for us! Take heart, fellow hormone-riddled teens! All is well.

I encourage you to join me in a new...mission. Starting today, I am going to begin to pray daily for my future husband. Every day I will pray for him (though I do not know who he is) and pray that God works in his heart and blesses him.

On a side note, I feel somewhat like Snow White. "Some day my prince will come..fa la la.." :)

I'm out. Time to go dance at the basketball game. Go Panthers!


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